Visit the par force hunting landscape in North Zealand

The forests of North Zealand combine beautiful landscapes and unique culture. Forests, lakes and meadows along with world-class cultural features all contribute to the attraction of the area. Fortunately, it is easy to visit these sights, as visitors have unrestricted access to Gribskov Forest, the Great Deer Park and Jægersborg Deer Park and Enclosure all day, every day, all year round.

If you would you like to experience the World Heritage site, the old hunting rides, which set the scene for the absolutist Kings’ par force hunts in the 1600s, provide access to the three areas with their unique natural features and history.

The three areas that comprise the par force hunting landscape in North Zealand cover a large area – more than 4500 hectares. Therefore, it is advisable to plan your visit in advance. Click on the links to read more about the individual areas, what you can experience and how to get there.

Gribskov Forest is one of Denmark’s largest forests. The area boasts wild natural surroundings, an abundance of wildlife and a great deal of history. Today, the old hunting rides are still the easiest way to move through the forest, just as they were 300 years ago.

The Great Deer Park (in Danish Store Dyrehave) unites nature and culture. Christian IV’s well-preserved stone walls from the early 1600s enclose the area, which is an exceptional cultural landscape due to its geometric system of par force hunting rides.

Jægersborg Deer Park and Enclosure was for many years the preferred royal playground. The large population of deer, the numerous hunting rides and, not least, the Hermitage Hunting Lodge bear witness to the great significance this area once held.